Sunday Services
Photo by Dave Beebe
This Sunday
Hope Church would like to invite you to worship with us! Each Sunday will continue a life changing study: Benefits of the Ressurection (The Covenant Series). As we continue to unfold the revelations from the Garden of Eden to the present day. Come and experience the unique possessions that are available to us in covenant faith with/through Christ our Saviour King!
Shepherd’s Meadow
Third Saturday evening of
every month
Psalm 23 is usually the farewell psalm for Believer’s eulogies. The truth is that Psalm 23 is a vibrant real life declaration of The Great Shepherd’s love for His Church. All the meaningful favorings of guidance, protection, and nourishment are found in the simple verses of the Meadow Psalm. Our Shepherd Meadow meetings will concentrate on the elements of prayer, teaching, and ministry from the Heart of the Great Shepherd. We will open the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. for a quiet time of repentance for our soul zone and nation. Teaching and ministry begins at 7:00 p.m..
Service Times and Directions
Sunday Worship - 10am
Wednesday prayer - 6:30pm
14200 Northland Dr. Big Rapids, MI 49307
Just south of the Ferris Racquetball facility and in between the Big Rapids Township Fire Hall and Gilbert's Carpets